What Are You Doing Here!

Hello and welcome to the DisneyYAC blog, whoever you are!
Perhaps you are looking around online for information on the job before applying, or maybe you've just been hired and are trying to find out more about what you're going to do! Or, perhaps you're a current or former Youth Activities Counselor reminiscing and reliving the job - or even a family member trying to find out what your loved one does at work. Or you're one of our managers trying to find out who has a blog so you can fire us for being honest.

Whatever the case, welcome! I have written about different aspects of the job, from the pay to the perks, the hours to the horrors, and to getting started and hired up to quitting or getting fired. Read away, and ask questions as much as you want!

And the best place to start is right here:

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Hot and Cold

 Hot and Cold

Hello Followers,

Sorry about the lack of updates lately, the account's been hacked and I just got it recovered today!

 Another question today:

"What is the temperature like in the crew cabins?"

 There's a bit of an adjustable thermostat but the reliability of this can depend from the older ships to the newer ones. Generally speaking, the closer your cabin is to the hull of the ship (the outer edge close to the water), the colder it'll normally be so you/your roommate will want to agree to raise the temperature of the cabin.

However, if you're unlucky enough to be situated directly near the laundry rooms as I was one contract (and many YA Counselors are), your room can get unbearably hot. Incredibly hot. 

It's a real toss up, but most people don't complain too much about the cabin temperature in our department!

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