The Harsh Reality
So I spoke to a friend who wants to be a Counselor, but she told me that learning about some of the things on board kinda freaked her out a bit (ahem a lot) and doesn't want to apply anymore! That is definitely not my intention. Hopefully I don't come off as too cynical, I'm aiming for something that goes along the lines of sardonic/sarcastic without veering too far into the negative here. It can definitely feel that way though when you compare this to:
Most of what you're going to be hearing from Disney directly is the saccharine, overly happy and positive aspects of the job. Most recruiters will also downplay any of the real grittier aspects of life on board, eschewing those in favor of rosier pictures painted of carefree joyous work. Which it is at times, it really is! It's just....not so all the time, if not most of the time.
A good recruiter will give you a good balance of good and bad, pros and cons to the job itself. Mine was an excellent example of this but I was so stubborn and already far gone into my Disney day dreaming that I didn't take her warnings to heart and I regretted it in hindsight once I was on board.
I feel like one of the biggest reasons why so many of my colleagues in the department don't stick around for that long after being hired is that the disappointment sets in and is a dramatic let down if you haven't prepared yourself well enough for it.
Successful Counselors who stick it out and move up in this seafaring life will prepare for the worst, accept the unpleasant parts of the work alongside the happier things, and are easygoing enough to soldier on and deal with it. So yes, I encourage you all to apply and try it out, but only if you've decided that you're determined enough to stick it out! I don't intend to freak you or psyche you out, I just want our new Counselors to be fully prepared and resigned to their tasks ahead.
SO what'll it be? Are ya in?
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